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7 Tips to Create the Perfect Animated Video for Business

Videos are the “it” thing of the twenty-first century. Social media has changed the content scene completely and every business, big and small, is using video and visual content as a part of their marketing strategy. Since no single approach works all the time, marketing strategies use a combination of tactics and content forms and video has emerged as one of the main heroes. A quick Google search will tell you the stats- 70 percent consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video. And what’s better- well-made animated videos don’t even feel like they are pushing for marketing! The animated video making process can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be depending on the capital and the time you have. If you’re a business owner, you must approach a video animation company for a professional-looking video. 

Here are a few tips to create the perfect animated video for your business:

Choosing the right kind of animated video 

You have to get your first step right to reach your goal and that is to decide on the kind of animated video you want to use. Live action videos are great if you want to go for testimonials and build a deep personal impact, a whiteboard animation is ideal if you want to delve deeper into a process and explain things, stop motion is preferred for an edgy-out of the box idea, and a typographic animation video is ideal if you’re looking to deliver a message uniquely through words. The plan should be to keep a consistent style and stick with it throughout the video. Every format has its own USP, so weight the pros and cons before you venture out with this.

A tight script for the win

Animated explainer videos need a well written script for a solid foundation. 

Concentrate on your target audience and highlight which problem your product or service is going to solve for them. You have to take into consideration what your audiences would enjoy seeing and what will motivate them to act. The first ten seconds need to be extremely catchy and should deliver a strong hook which will make them stick around for the whole video. After you’ve hooked them in, keep it simple and either give them something to enjoy or something to learn from. 

Storyboarding cannot be skipped

Your animation agency can help you deliver your message via visual storytelling. After scripting, you need to visualize how your video is going to look. Storyboarding is essentially putting sketches next to your text and visualizing ‘what it says’ with ‘how it looks.’ This visual plan will help bring you and your team on the same page and streamline  direction to obtain an overall vision. All you have to do is lay out the sequence of drawings and assess the flow of the video. Notice if the script now makes sense and iron out any errors at this pre-production stage before it’s too late. 

Choosing apt background music and a good voice over artist

Music can define the tone of your video. With every choice you make, you potentially alter the vibe of the video and change the effect it is going to have on your audience. Whether you are going for a cheerful and fun tone or a warm and heartfelt one, background music can add life to an otherwise simple piece of work. Make sure you spend ample amount of time choosing your background music. But that’s not where the work ends. Nothing can ruin a video as quickly as poor audio. Spend some extra bucks to get a professional voice over artist to work on your video. Pay special attention to the tone and the delivery of the voice over and brief your artist well!

Keeping it short and effective

The less you say, the more people tend to remember. In the age of the internet and social media, attention spans are becoming shorter and shorter. The winner in this race is the brand that impresses the most by saying the least. You have to be that brand. Pack a punch with your animation video and make sure you tackle only one thing at a time. Deliver what you promise in the title of the animated video and value the time your audience has chosen to give you.

Branding and messaging it right

Never forget to brand your video with your logo and jingle (if you have one) when you’re producing an animated video. It’s also a great idea to go for a colour palette which is consistent with your brand. Branding and messaging the video suitably will help in brand recognition and translate into sales too. Your video should be also ready to deliver a clear CTA. The Call to Action tells people what to do after they show interest in your content. This pushes them to make the purchase and hence, this step needs to be the simplest, most convenient thing to do. It could be merely clicking on a link or dialing a number- whatever it is, make it accessible and easy.

And finally, never cutting corners with quality

People will gauge the reliability of your product or service with the quality of the video you show them too. When they see that you are someone who puts in time and effort into their work, it will automatically say a lot about your brand and its values. Videos are also an asset that can be used over time, so make sure you invest wisely and opt for expertise. An animated video for business can prove to be highly cost effective. So be rest assured- it will definitely translate into higher viewership and engagement for your brand.