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Some Fun Ways to Find Video inspiration

There are endless number of ways to find inspiration on any given subject. Then why sometimes there seems to be a dearth or we often our minds blank when a task needs to be done? At several points in our lives all of us face the grueling task of creating content that’s both engaging and relatable. Here are some awesome ways to find inspiration when your mind hits that blank spot.

Try Google’s Keyword Planner

When searching for creative ideas for video content, Google Keyword Planner can give you insight you may not have thought of considering. You can take forward these keywords by combining them into a list and multiply assorted keywords together. Even if you’re new to the world of advertising, finding fresh ideas for video content is often simplified by focusing keywords to specific niches.

2. FAQ Fox helps discover list of questions consumers have

The primary function of FAQ Fox is to accept keywords and a list of sites to dig for questions that often consumers have in mind. You can type in a few keywords and some popular related websites FAQ will provide a list of Frequently Asked Questions. You can narrow down your search and focus your video content on those questions.

3. Search for the most popular blog posts based on keywords on Buzzsumo

Inspiration might just come pouring with a look at some of the most popular blog posts based on the keywords. The most blogged topic can then assist you in finding ideas you need for your video content.

4. Guest Content Creators can help

It may not seem that obvious at first, but guest content creators can often suggest innovative ideas and concepts you may have overlooked until now. It’s often a great idea to get a fresh perspective from a new source.

5. Google Keep is the best way to track thoughts, ideas on your phone, tablet or computer

Ideas often strike at odd times. Keeping a track of them might be a good at times when you need inspiration and none seem to be found at that point. Simple ideas can be expanded further with our next inspiring tip.

6. Connect ideas with other ideas using mind maps with Mind Mapping

Finding video content ideas is not that easy and can be a struggle. With mind maps you connect abstract thoughts and ideas and mold them into inspiration. Take a random idea or even a single word and expend on it in a visual way.

7. Here comes the big one – YouTube

What better way to top off our list of 7 best ways to find video inspiration than with more videos. Research can give way to inspiring ideas that you may not have considered. This way you can also get an idea of the topics that have been explored to death.