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3 Reasons Why Videos Marketing is a Stepping Stone To Business Success

In the world of business, are you an eCommerce firm, an attorney, a dentist or a technical equipment manager? Adorn any hat, you need  video marketing to boost your business. Why? Because a video stands as a testimony to two things: today, it’s the best medium to convey information to consumers and video marketing tips it’s the most preferred medium to consume information.

Did you know that one-third of all online activity consists of watching videos? And this number is only growing. If your aim is to connect with the consumers, educate them about your brand, or to convert them into customers – wouldn’t it be a smart step to use videos that’s their preferred source of online content.

It’s no surprise that videos have been called content with the best ROI, by 51.9% of marketing professionals, worldwide. No other medium converts better than marketing videos with a success rate of 70%. However, that doesn’t mean that simply creating a video is the solution to all your marketing goals!

The right message, and the right production quality are some of the key components cannot be messed with and that’s actually what differentiates your brand.

The number of poorly-produced marketing videos roaming in cyberspace is quite astounding. So amidst all this, you only get one opportunity to stand out. One high quality video with the right targeted message and Boom – the next thing you know your business has taken a sky-rocketed leap! Here’s why:

Video Marketing Boosts User Engagement

On an average a user spends 88% more time on a website with a video. With shoppers too chances are they’re 1.81 times more likely to purchase than non-viewers. The word “video” in email subject lines can boost open rates by 19%, click-through rates by 65% and reduces unsubscribes by 26%.

On social networks, video generates 1,200% more shares than text and images combined.

Video Marketing Helps Rank up Content

Web pages are 53 times more likely to rank on Google’s first page, if they have a video and companies with video generate 41% more online traffic than those without it. But the process of making all videos is not the same.

YouTube keeps track of seconds watched, comments, shares, likes and websites hosting your video on the ranking video content meter, and not views.

And there’s no doubt that a professionally crafted, visual engaging piece receives more of the above than a poorly-produced, grainy video. Quality of the content should be such that viewers would want to watch and share that will further way for users to find and engage with your brand.

Quality content not just impacts your search ranking, but enjoyment of video ads increases consumer purchase intent by 97% too.

Video = More Customers Converts

The average conversion rate of websites using video is 4.8% versus 2.9% for those to keep video content at bay. Therefore, businesses who use video grow revenue 49% faster year-over-year than companies who don’t.

If you’re ready and excited to see what a video can do for your business, then call us today and let the magic begin!