
Crafting Visual
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The best way for marketers to tell brand stories

As a part of the content marketing, we’re always looking for different to help brands narrate their stories in an engaging and meaningful ways. With the raid growth in technology and better tools emerging in the marketplace, an interesting phenomenon occurs: The way we digest and experience content has changed incredibly. For instance, take the news. Take a quick recap about how we followed current events 20 years ago. We heavily relied on the Sunday newspaper or watched extensive amount of news coverage on TV. And how do we do the same thing now?

We bookmark certain websites, follow publishers on social media, or subscribe news outlets for email notifications. Technological innovations influences in what way we consume information. This is the biggest challenge content marketers face. Great content that is specific to target audience’s needs is produced every day, but is it any effective if the audience never sees it? Big problem, right?

The majority goes with the visuals

Nearly two-thirds (65%) of viewers surveyed say visual media is crucial to how brands communicate their brand stories. What’s even more interesting and certain is that an overwhelming majority believes visual media will overtake all other media forms in the future.

Who is a brand’s best friend?


Infographics and videos are the two leading forms of visual media that facilitate the storytelling strategies of brands. When done right, brands can make full use of infographics and explainer videos as extremely powerful tools to break down complex information into comprehensible pieces of customer collateral.

The super speedy growth of video content

Going by the trends, the growth in content as well as popularity of the videos is really really quick. News feeds these days automatically play video without any action from the user. More and more marketers are moving forward with videos, and that’s due to the easy shareability of the medium. Watching video often requires less time of the user than reading through a story in a blog or a news outlet. Still not sure about the effectiveness of branded explainer videos?

Storytelling and marketing both go hand-in-hand, if you think about it. Whether it’s by producing impressive infographics, writing a free online guide or a copy of a Facebook ad – trying to capture audience’s attention is important and the way you approach storytelling. The scope is endless for how you represent stories, products and services.