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4 Rules to follow for an interactive UI design

The creation of high-quality user interface (UI) is a critical part for the development of any software product. Therefore when it is poorly created users face problems in using the product efficiently. To get past these problems while creating user interfaces, designers follow UI design principles. Here are the UI design principles that every designer must follow:

Users to be in control of the interface

When users are in control of the interface, they learn the navigation quickly. Hence, it allows a user to explore the product without errors and makes them explore more options. On the reverse, if a user has to watch his every action this will slow the pace of exploration. The next thing is to create an easy-to-navigate interface. The navigation should always be self-evident so that it doesn’t intimidate users to press a button. An interactive UI design provides visual cues to the user about where they are, where they were, and where they can go. Along with the visual aids, show the visibility of system status to give the user periodic feedback about the status of the process. It is also essential for a user to interact with the different level of the product interface. A designer should design keeping in mind the needs of the diverse set of users.

Make users interact with the product

While creating a UI design, eliminate the information that doesn’t help your user. Adding irrelevant information introduces noise in UI and diminishes the visibility of valuable and relevant information. Avoid using jargons and system-oriented terms when designing a product. Use simplified language that the user understands. Also, while creating data-entry sequences, don’t ask users to fill in the data that they have previously entered. This may annoy the user. While filling in the details in the blank sections of the form, there may be a chance of error. Therefore, there must be a well-constructive and effective error message (dialogue) that explicit error notification along with hints for solving the error.

Subdue cognitive load

Cognitive load is the mental processing required to use a product. When there is less cognitive load, the users understand your product well. Try to organize and group elements in a manner that doesn’t take much time in processing information. While designing, try to use the three-click-rule to reduce the total number of actions required. Three-click-rule suggests that the user should find information with no more than three mouse clicks. Along with this, promote visual clarity that allows users to quickly attain the information they are looking for. While designing interfaces, avoid too much information on the screen, this may create visual clutter. Organize content by grouping similar elements together, numbering them, and using section headings.

Maintain consistency

Design consistency contributes to usability and learnability. To maintain visual consistency, ensure the same colors, fonts, and icons throughout the product UI design. For functional consistency, the interface controls should remain consistent throughout the product interface. Using different styles can frustrate a user and can inhibit learning. Maintain the consistency to have the interface as per the user.


An interactive UI design is the one that is user-friendly and encourages exploration into the product. With the UI design principles listed, the designers will be able to create more intuitive, enticing, and predictable interfaces.